Tuesday, February 3, 2009

the start of my friend quota

I’m not sure how it always happens, but I really cannot keep friends. Many of my friends I have lost touch with. Every so often, I break up with friends. But lately I have been doing something, something I’m completely unaware of, that makes my friends disown me.

I think the first time it happened was in high school. I was 17 and had just moved from Ozark to Lee’s Summit for my senior year. I had a best friend in Ozark that knew about all my crazy, neurotic quirks and didn’t seem to mind them. We continued our long-distance friendship despite my terrible record of “losing touch.” We had a funny relationship. We barely had anything in common and didn’t hang out like normal teenagers. Sometimes she spent the night and we gossiped, but our relationship was mostly phone-based. Maybe this is why the long-distance thing wasn’t terrible. I sent her journals (even though she hated to read), pictures (even though most of them were crappy), and bitched to her about how I hated my new residence. She listened and seemed interested.

She had been yearning to get married since I met her in ninth grade. She finally met “the one” sometime in junior year and was engaged by the time she hit cosmetology school. Her plan (what I can remember, at least) was to marry after she graduated cosmetology school and I was going to be her maid of honor. Somewhere in between me moving and her graduating, she stopped mentioning any details about her wedding--which was strange for a woman who had been planning her wedding since she was five.

As far as I can remember, everything was normal until May 2. I was leaving the subdivision of my parents’ house when I called her to let her know about a guy I met at the Muse concert the night before. I had just spat out the very basic elements of my story before she abruptly cut me off and told me she was late for school (or work, I can’t remember) and would call me back later. She didn’t. I can’t remember if I tried calling her back, but I’m sure I did. I heard nothing from her until about two months after that phone call; she called and left me a voicemail about some small details about her wedding. I called after I got off of work, even though I knew she’d be asleep. Not surprisingly, she told me she would call me later because she had a headache. That was the last time I had ever spoken with her.

A few months ago, I received a friend request via Facebook. I was shocked and surprised that, after three or four years of no communication, she would “friend” me. I never received a message or comment wanting to catch up or explain what happened. It was almost like she had forgotten me, again. I viewed her profile a few times and wasn’t shocked by its content. She seemed to be the same exact girl I left in high school. I wanted to send her a message, but a part of me was still hurt by her actions. I spent a lot of time and energy into trying to figure out what I had done wrong. I’m the queen of the accidental faux pas, so I’m sure I said something to upset her. I just wish I would’ve been notified or warned.

Sometime around this past presidential election, I checked my Facebook page and noticed that she had a very strong aversion to democrat Barak Obama. In fact, she plainly despised him and all democrats. This upset and bothered me, maybe because she was ill-informed, maybe because I am also a democrat, or maybe it’s a combination of the two. I started to respond to her “status updates” through mine. I wasn’t calling her out, specifically, but more so everybody I encountered on a daily basis.

I noticed right after the election, the historical election where the America voted Obama into office, that I was no longer “friends” with her via Facebook. The bitch deleted me! Now was the election the deciding factor? Was I too harsh when I changed my status to “woo Obama!” or “suck it McCain/Palin”? Or did she remember why she rejected my friendship in the first place?

I actually thought it was funny. It had been years since I had last spoken with her, so it didn’t bother me at all that she was going to continue that streak. I am not missing anything by losing such a naïve, racist, and ignorant “friend.”

Recently, within the past month, I have managed to lose two “friends.” Now, these two boys were not life-long, I-would-die-for-you type of friends. I found company in their different attitudes and experiences. It was a welcome change to share drinks with them and listen to their stories. Then I pulled “a Laurie” (as my close friends would say). I found myself fumbling in the deep shrouds of inebriation and staring into the dark brown eyes of a man who was disappointed in me. I know I said, “I’m sorry,” and “What did I do?” but no response was returned. As far as the action that lent itself to these pleas for forgiveness, well, your guess is as good as mine.
I’m upset because once again because no one decides to fucking fill me in on my misstep. If I were an employee, they would have to tell me why they were firing me and not just lock me out of the building one day. I’m especially upset, not because I lost two great friendships, but because I lost a great potential for two great friendships.

I can’t imagine what I’ve done, and if these boys know me well enough, they know I mean no malice. Was this more of a “three strikes, you’re out” type of situation? Are they breaking up with my friendship? Have they both decided that they need to go in another direction with their friendships and I just don’t fit into their plans? I don’t understand how I can create two enemies in only four hours and four drinks.

It’s possible that this is a way for the universe to tell me that I don’t pay enough attention. Or maybe that I should stop drinking. Or maybe that I have enough friends. I think I’ll combine all and stop drinking while paying more attention and thinning out my friend base. Don’t get me wrong, you can still petition to be my friend, but my “friend quota” is filled. Maybe I’ll open up another space in my quota later. Until then, I’ll keep all your friend applications on file for the next two years. If an opening comes up, I’ll have someone notify you. Best wishes.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Down Homey Advice from Gary Greebles

Hello friends,

It's Gary Greebles back again for a foray into the world of the personal, the professional and the punishable (Sinners repent! - Susan). It looks like I've got quite the grab-bag here! The internet sure has opened the flood-gates. Why, sometimes I'd only get one or two letters a year, and now I get at least ten!

I have to say, fellow pugilists, that Gary is a little distressed by a theme that my keen reader's eyes have detected in these letters. Now, it seems to me like maybe people just aren't trying hard enough. I know, I know. Everyone's busy combing their Chia pets, watching Wheel of Fortune and tending their magnolia bushes, but surely there's still a place in this world for the good ole' collegiate try? So forgive me, dear readers, if Gary seems a little bit miffy today. It just seems like people are getting a little loose around here and I'm going to have to roll up my sleeves, unsnap my vest (oh la la! - Susan), adjust my suspenders and dish out some good ole' no-nonsense Down Homey advice for all you shifty do-nothings out there. And for those who still profit by the sweat of your brows, I salute you!

Let's begin, shall we?

From: mommas_scared@htsp.com


I've recently become a recluse and need to know what the proper window coverings would be! A nice dust ruffle? Some lacy curtains? Or should I just stick with the crooked venetian blinds? Please help!

Desperate in Despair

Now I'm sorry little lady if you truly are scared, but I just have to say - you're just not trying hard enough! If you were serious about being a recluse then you would know better than to write to an advice column! Have you ever seen the Black Widow spider send an Electronic Mail? Did the Unibomber (bless his heart! - Susan) attend ice cream socials? Did John Drew Barrymore, father of Wholesome American Heartthrob Drew Barrymore walk out to get his own mail? NO!

It's twenty ought nine, DID, and if you're serious about doing the lord's work on this earth, about being who you were MEANT to be, you'd board up those windows, paint the walls black, unplug your phone, remove the shade from that 40-watt bulb in your lonely night lamp, break out some moldy cards for a game of solitaire and, above all, zip your lip! (Jesus name! - Susan.)

From: beepbeep@pooter.com

Dear Gary,

I was just speaking with a stranger on the phone and she whispered, "DON'T WORRY!" and I started to worry!!! What does this mean? What am I supposed to do? I feel like I betrayed her trust in me.

Worry Wart

And you did, Worry Wort! Not only did you disobey this dear stranger who meant nothing to you, but you allowed yourself to commit the Lesser Sin (Holy Foible - Susan) of Worrying and the Mid-grade Sins of having a Wart and a downright silly Electronic Mail address. Beepbeep? What are you, a fire truck?

Susan, I think I'll need you to take my tie. I'm getting a little hot under the collar. (Sweet lord! - Susan)

From: helmetman@hoohah.com

I like PIE! Pie. PIE! puh-EYE.


But did you make some HelmetMan? What good is that helmet for if it doesn't protect you from the heat of an oven? All talk and no bite, that's what you are, HelmetMan. I don't like the looks of you at all!

From: woowoowanda@wandasmail.com


Recently, I had a dream that I was getting married and my mother brought me thousands of pairs of shoes and none of them fit. Then, as I was walking to my car, I was told that my wedding was cancelled because a trivia contest was booked at the church three years before! What does this mean? I'm afraid to tell my fiance because I know he won't marry me if he thinks there is bad luck!

Not-So-Blushing Bride

Whew, I'm sweaty. NSBB, thank you for this heartfelt letter. I thank you from the bottom of my palpitating heart, and the readers of the Pugilist thank you. Gary was getting a little out of control back there. Gary needs to settle down, and this is just the kind of advice - marriage-type advice - that Gary finds soothing and likes to give.

NSBB, the bottom line is that dreams are always true. Science tells us that they provide the most detailed, accurate and complete projection of future circumstances available today. Why even Ms. Cleo can't compete with dreams. One time I called her, and I said to Ms. Cleo, "Cleo, I'd like to be a writer." And Cleo said to me "Gary, you've got to follow your dreams. You've just got to. 'Cuz dreams always come true. And if they don't, they weren't really dreams to begin with and they was just some sort of gas bubble in your belly."

So think on it NSBB, sure, your wedding is gonna get cancelled. But it's for a trivia contest! Maybe you and your fiance can play and win some money! Plus, you're going to have an awful lot of shoes. Thousands, you said? With the eBay I'm sure you'll make a killing!

Telling your husband what you have learned of your fate together is up to you. Some people prefer to be surprised! Why, my readers might be surprised if they knew I was hardly wearing clothes! (I sure do like the look of that there undershirt, Gary! It's mighty, mighty fine. - Susan)

From: jesuslovesme@biblerules.com

I'm ashamed. I think I might be Gay. My family wouldn't be happy with me as they are devot Christians. But the catch is, I'm gay for God! I'm swimming in a paradox!


Good grief, Susan. My blood pressure's on the rise.

Now dag nabbit, Flamer, there's just nothing wrong with being Gay! Why, just the other day Gary was gay. I went out and got a delicious set of sandwiches from Arby's on Southwest Expressway and my goodness they were good. I drenched 'em in horsey sauce and I started whistling! A young lad in some sort of colorful, sportin'-like dress turned to me and said "god, you're gay." And I said "yes, son! I am Gay! And you're right, thank God for these delicious Arby's roast beef sandwiches and thank God for the Gay hands that made them and the Gay man who will clean up the mess when I'm through 'eaten 'em. Let's hope everyone here today is as Gay as me, Gary Greebles!" It's a Gay, Gay, world, Flamer, if you want it to be, and there ain't nothin' paradoxical 'bout that. (Damn straight! - Susan.)

And that's about all I've got time for today, gentle readers. I've got to get dressed (Aw! - Susan.), and I'm sure y'all do too. But keep the letters coming. In these uncertain economical times, Gary's got to pay those bills and buy his sandwiches!

Until next time,
